July Runfession…My first! A Running Update

I originally started this blog to document my running adventures. However, due to Life, this blog has evolved and now includes poetry sometimes about running, more often about my non-running life. This mirrors changes in my own life. While running was so central to who I was for so many years, now that’s shifted and other activities are center stage. But I want to bring running back into limelight hence this new feature called “Runfessions”!

I found out about Runfessions through two running blogs that I follow, Confessions of a Mother Runner and Meditations in Motion. They link up with Marcia’s Healthy Slice (the originator of the Runfession), so that’s what I’m doing too! I’ve always enjoyed reading about other runners and reading about what other runners are thinking and writing about – especially if they are women, mothers, and/or people of color. When I first started running, it was rare to find articles written for or by women, POC, mothers and now there is a lot more!

So here goes…my first Runfession Session!

Forgive me Saucony, for I have sinned….

I Runfess…. that I haven’t been running as much this summer and have missed several group runs. The reasons aren’t that important (basically, kids not being in school) but I haven’t been making it a priority. But that is about to change!

I Runfess….I signed up for two more races! The Hershey Half Marathon in October and the Hot Chocolate 15K in April 2020. Time to get going on my training plan!

I Runfess….I don’t have a training plan! I’m relying on my BRF, Michele, to keep me on target. She’s been doing great with her training. I’m pretty sure she’s going to beat her PR at Hershey this year.

Is that enough? My running sole (see what I did there?) is feeling lighter already!!

©️ iido 2019

20 thoughts on “July Runfession…My first! A Running Update

  1. Miss running with you!! Now you have me wanting to run the hot chocolate!! I need to runfess that I need to stop making excuses for not signing up for races 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Go for Irma !! I’m sure determination will carry you over your runs…. I can’t run these days, but I give it my best at keeping fit, lots of walking and exercise groups, which I enjoy…..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this idea of runfessing, I think I’ll have to try it myself! Most of us end up blogging about topics other than what we started with, funny about that. I started to help me explore writing stories for my grandchildren and to share running experiences. Life (and injuries) get in the way. But I’ve also signed up for two races (short ones, but at least they’re goals). Time for a runfession! I really enjoy all your posts, Irma. Keep the writing going.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Runfession, a new word for me | Robby Robin's Journey

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