Broken Wheelhouse – A Poem

My wheelhouse is broken
I cannot move
Wallowing in stagnant waters
I am empty
Listing to the side
My hull sticking to the mud
My paint bleached by the sun
I have lost my purpose and my way
Pieces of deck have been taken
Used to make rafts
And oars
Memories of travels and adventures
Wash through my wreckage
Consoling like Motherโ€™s tears

This poem was written for Patrick’s Pic and a Word Challenge #210 – Wheelhouse. I have to admit, I had to look up the definition of “wheelhouse” for this challenge. The word not only means a covered structure over a ship’s (steering) wheel that protects the person steering the ship. But it also pertains to one’s area of expertise.

My wheelhouse used to be my career, my profession but as a mother who no longer has a job outside the home, I do feel like my wheelhouse is broken. What is my area of expertise now? If it’s supposed to be mothering – every day, my kids show me I still have so much to learn about being the best mom. Writing? I will leave that part up to you!

What’s in your wheelhouse?

ยฉ๏ธ iido 2019

25 thoughts on “Broken Wheelhouse – A Poem

      • I don’t have children of my own but I know enough about them that there’s a line from a Stevie Nicks song that adequately sums most of them up, at least at one time or another:

        I’ve never ever been a blue calm sea
        I’ve always been a storm

        But, damn if you can’t stop loving them anyway, and do everything you can to give them the best chance at a good life.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Blur ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #211 – Pix to Words

  2. motherhood is definitely your present wheelhouse, but that will be over far sooner than you think and then you can remake yourself as you wish ๐Ÿ™‚
    my wheelhouse, not sure maybe people or kindness … know my writing and photography are ok but not gifted ..

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes – I also liked the idea of just sitting and letting the ebb and flow of life just wash over us – I think this brings clarity as well. Thank you for visiting and your comment!


  3. interesting definition of wheelhouse and also in the context of your poem. area of expertise could be something we do extremely well, have vast knowledge yet is it something we are passionate about. I would ask that question, for your poem suggests some parts that were broken were in fact the finest parts of that wheelhouse. Now becoming instruments of real good not phony at all. such wonderful words for deeper contemplation Irma. Writing is one of your strengths, that i feel is the foundation of who you are and something you will pass on to your kids.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, oneโ€™s wheelhouse should be filled with passion and not just expertise although I donโ€™t think the former is included in the current definition. I also like your idea, that in motherhood (as well as in life) that sometimes it the parts that are broken or that we think are lost that can become the most beautiful parts. Thank you for your astute observations and comments! โค๏ธ

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely poem Irma ….it is true that we somehow lost touch of our expertise when we do not have a professional job outside home or apart from being a mother. I know that, as i am a full time myself now for the longest time
    And now that my girls are all grown ups i am trying to find my way back to the academic world (as i used to teach)..

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