Night Sounds – A Quadrille

The whisper of dry leaves

Parting to accommodate the stretching 

Of things growing taller, wider.

The frantic drumming of little hearts

Creating eddies of air

With delicately powerful moonlit wings

Which is louder in the still of the night

When no one is listening?

Image credit- Pixabay
(For visually challenged reader, the image shows a woodland scene, where blue butterflies are sitting on the forest floor among tiny mushrooms. Tall trees are visible in the background)

Two inspirations combined this week for the quadrille above. Mish at dVerse is the host for Quadrille #106 – Drum and Sadje’s “What do you see?” photo challenge #34 provided the photo above.

I loved the peaceful beauty of this photo – exactly what I needed to see with all the turmoil in the world. I could imagine the quiet breath of fluttering wings, the hush of the forest. The human photographer must have waited long time, in silence, in order to catch this photo and not disturb the wonder of nature.

Humans disturb nature in so many ways. Reading the essays in The BeZine made me realize the tremendous impact of human behavior, human self-interest and – dare I say it? – human selfishness, on the destruction of our natural world, the destruction of our brothers and sisters, and ultimately, our own destruction.

There is a saying that I’m sure you’ve seen on nature trails, “Take only pictures, leave only footprints.” But what if even our footprints destroy the very things that brought us to the nature trail to begin with? We would be able to take those pictures, but the people coming after us would not. Would getting these pictures be worth that destruction?

©️ 2020 iido

28 thoughts on “Night Sounds – A Quadrille

    • I think you’re right, Gina – they sounds are there whether we can hear them or not. Nature is not just there for our listening pleasure! Hope you are doing well, dear friend!


  1. Absolutely lovely and magical..butterflies are definitely magical! 😊 💖.

    PS there is a recent story I posted with a mermaid illustration. I will be posting a part 2 to the story with the finished illustration of the mermaid as well. 🤗 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Sharing responses to this week’s prompt, What do you see; Shweta, Irma, Namitha and Kitty – Keep it alive

  3. Pingback: What do you see # 34 -A round up – Keep it alive

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